Government Of Jamaica

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Deeds & Other Documents

Deeds & Other Documents

The Island Record Office (IRO) is an arm of the Registrar General’s Department that was established by the Record Office Act under the Act of Parliament in 1879. According to the Act, the Island Records Office should be established to record the following documents:

  • Public Records: these include rolls, writs, books, legal proceedings, statutes, decrees, wills, warrants, accounts, papers and documents of a public nature.
  • Deeds and writings: a deed is a legal instrument used to grant a privilege. It is usually used when transferring real estate titles from one person to another. All deeds including: wills, conveyances, charters, bonds, patents, certificates, letter patent, specifications, petitions, declarations, disclaimers, memoranda, powers of attorney, crop and other accounts, inventories, map plots and all other legal instruments used to grant a right, must be registered at the Island Records Office.

To register a deed or public record, you must do the following:

  • Ensure that your document meets the requirements of the Registrar General’s Department
  • Take the document to the RGD for assessment
  • Pay the relevant fees to have the public record/deed/writing registered

Requirements For Registering A Deed of Gift

A Deed of Gift is a legal document which transfers ownership of property or possession to another without must be met:

  • Names of parties involved
  • Date of Execution and Signatures of parties (Grantor, Grantee and Justice of the Peace)
  • Stamp Duty paid

Requirements For Registering Conveyances

A Conveyance is a document showing the transfer of property from one owner to another. The size and value of the property should be given. A diagram is often submitted with the Conveyance to give a clear picture of the property. Before a Conveyance can be registered the following requirements must be met:

  • Names of parties involved
  • Date of Execution
  • Signatures of parties (Giver, Receiver and Justice of the Peace)
  • Stamp Duty paid

A conveyance that has been stamped and meets the requirements outlined above should be taken to the Island Record Office at the Registrar General’s Department where it will be assessed for the following costs:-

Each Legal Sheet (each 160 words)
Deed Receipt
Docket Fee
Diagram (per hour)
$1000.00 (if applicable)
Service Charges
7 - 10 days
3 - 4 days

Requirements For Registering A Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney is a legal document in which an individual gives another the authority to act on their behalf. The document should state clearly the extent of the agent’s authority. Before a Power of Attorney can be registered the following requirements must be met:

  • Date of Execution
  • Signatures of parties (Grantor, Grantee, and Justice of the Peace/Notary Public)
  • Seal of Signatory from the Justice of the Peace/Notary Public
  • Full name and address of Grantor & Grantee
  • Stamp Duty paid

Registering a Power Of Attorney For Motor Vehicle Transactions

Power of Attorney for motor vehicles – these matters may include but are not limited to:

  1. Tax Office –transactions may include the collection of motor vehicle titles, plates and the transfer of the vehicle to a new owner.
  2. Insurance Company – Taking out Policies, collection of Policies, upgrade or amendment to policies
  3. Transport Authority – for road licensees.

In addition to the above, the Power of Attorney that is to be registered must also include details of the motor vehicle including CHASSIS No. of the motor vehicle. Once the document is signed and the signature is witnessed by Justice of the Peace /Notary Public, the document is taken the Tax Audit and Assessment Department (TAAD, Tax Office) and a stamp duty is paid for by the customer. A Power of Attorney that meets the requirements stated above should be taken to the Island Record Office at the Registrar General’s Department where it will be assessed for the following costs:

Each Legal Sheet (each 160 words)
Deed Receipt
Service Charges
7 - 10 days
3 - 4 days

Requirements For Registering Paper Writings

A Paper Writing document can be prepared by an individual (Testator), regarding the distribution of his/her estate upon his/her death, while he/she is alive. Amendments can be made to the document while the individual is alive, however the last “Paper Writing” made will revoke the previous ones, and then becomes the Last Will and Testament upon the Testator’s death. Before a Paper Writing can be registered the following requirements must be met:

  • Name of Testator
  • Name, address and occupation of two witnesses
  • Signature of parties (Testator and Witnesses)
  • Date of Execution

A Paper Writing that satisfies the requirements stated above should be taken to the Island Record Office at the Registrar General’s Department where it will be assessed for the following costs:-

Each Legal Sheet (each 160 words)
Deed Receipt
Service Charges
7 - 10 days
3 - 4 days
After the appropriate fees are paid, the customer will be issued a receipt and then informed when to return for the completed document, based on their request.