This can be used by both Marriage Officers and Civil Registrars. The Special Marriage Licence is used with the criteria listed below:
- A Minister of Religion, being a Marriage Officer must know both parties to be married well.
- The parties must be residing in the island for a period not less the least 15 days.
- The parties will complete the “Notice of Marriage by Licence” form which is provided by the Marriage Officer. This form must be signed by the parties to be married and two witnesses.
- After the Marriage Officer receives the completed “Notice”, he is required to complete a Statutory Declaration which must be signed by a Justice of the Peace. Both the Notice and the Statutory Declaration should be submitted to any Justice for any parish or parishes of the Island of Jamaica or to the Clerk of the Resident Magistrate’s Court for the parish in which the parties reside. A postage stamp must be affixed to the Special Marriage Licence before issuing. The Marriage Officer who uses the licence to perform the marriage should visit the RGD office and pay $5000.00 for Special Marriage Licence, after which the Licence is issued.