Government Of Jamaica

Jamaican flag

Civil Registration

The Registrar General’s Department (RGD) is the sole repository of birth, death, marriage and fetal death records.

Authenticated Copies

Whether you are a Marriage Officer or simply have interest in this area, you can access these documents to find out the legal requirements for marriages below:
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Burial Order Verification

This is only applicable to deaths occurring in public and private hospitals or health facilities island-wide at this time.
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Deed Polls

A Deed Poll is a legal document that allows an individual to assume a new name and provides documentary evidence of the name change.
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Deeds & Other Documents

The Island Records Office will be able to record rolls, writs, books, legal proceedings, statutes, wills, accounts, papers and documents of a public nature, deeds and writings, etc.

IRO Search Application

This product assists a customer in verifying whether a document was recorded or lodged at the Island Record Office.
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Marriage Officer

Whether you are a Marriage Officer or simply have interest in this area, you can access these documents to find out the legal requirements for marriages below:

Operation Birthright

The initiative aims to bridge the legal divide of the undocumented persons, by providing support to children and adults without legal identification.
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The Registrar General’s Department has a mobile team which is responsible for taking the services of the Agency across the island of Jamaica.

OuttaMany Search

A Outtamany Search ( formerly Genealogical Research) is an investigation to discover a person’s family background that gives historically information about the family lineage.
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Registry Wedding

Private weddings at an affordable cost; in a decorated room at all RGD locations and with an outdoor garden (available for photos only) at our Head Office.
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